Hard-core smokers and aficionados know that when it comes to a good Bong, personalization is everything. Here are some of the craziest Bongs we’ve found.
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1: Transfromers Bong
With such attention to detail and exquisite craftsmanship, this Bumblebee has the fanboy potheads scrambling to transform their money into a bong. With the right green Bumblebee will transform your day!
2: The Chubbler
The Chubbler made the list because, it is the strangest dragonfly ever. Also the bong is constructed of 4, yes four, recycled glass bubblers. Making this piece a sustainable cannabis consumer.
3: Double Percolator Bong
This double perc has great styling and curves. The neon look gives it a fun party EDM dance fest partier bong. But who want to lose their bong at a concert?
4: The Dragon Glass
Dragon Glass! Direct from North of the Wall, handblown by the giants that live north of the wall. With the Wildling weapon design incorporated, you can use this bong as your escape from the white walkers.
5: Jolly Green Giant Stem Bong
This behemoth was made with giants in mind. Giants that live in Salvador Dali’s paintings. The quirkiness of the giant green pipe is fun to look at and after you clear that bowl you will be finding out how deep the rabbit hole actually goes.
6: Heart and Lung Vascular System Bong
This is the Heart and Lungs of Cannabis Culture. The craftsmanship on this piece is one of a kind out of this world! The cardiovascular system has never been presented so elegantly. I can
7: Naked Lady Bong
Like the Old saying goes “nothing says classy about someone like a naked lady bong. ” And this naked lady is the one and only naked honey maiden, formed in the depths of the honey comb. Match this with some Maui Waui for a sweet match.
8: The Magic Mushroom Bong
Trippy blues and greens rolling to the mushroom expansion chamber that melts away at the top. One toke and watch your mind expand as you stare at the colors of the mushroom.
9: The Sexy Saxophone Bong
Musicians eat your note reading hearts out, this Saxophone is ready to smoke the greens to help you blow the blues. With the yellow and green haze it almost looks like a fancy bronze saxophone that’s ready to smoke a note.
10: The Snowman Bong
The Snowman Bong aka the Snow Bong, the Yeti Pipe or the ever famous Eskimo Oven is an ever evolving pipe depending on the creator of the snow bong. The great thing about the Eskimo Oven is that every hit is going to be ICE cold. This fellow above went with an adobe fire pit style bong that hold 5 grams in the bowl. Quite a beautiful bowl.
11: German Engineering Bong
High Tech Bong technology comes out of Germany as well. The Germans grab a hold of something and bring it to the forefront of technology and design. This piece above looks like it is made for High tech High performance smoking session, or used for shifting gears